2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Deere Encourages ADAPT Adoption

Kelly Marshall

aggateway-adaptOne focus of last week’s Develop with Deere conference in Kansas City was AgGateway‘s new ADAPT Toolkit. John Deere was a leader in creating the ADAPT program, and they’re making sure the software developers at the conference have the information they need to put it to use.

Deere has developed their own plug-in for the system and tested it in the U.S. and Europe and it is working well. Deere’s Chip Donahue says now they’re moving ahead with plans to make sure the toolkit is implemented.

“We’ve got work to do,” Donahue says. “We did get to this point, but now we’ve got to move forward because it’s been a bunch of point sources and now people want integrated systems and that’s what our vision is and we’re helping deliver that.”

Develop with Deere is helping shape that vision with the connections and learning experiences offered. Another year or two and who knows what we’ll be seeing as a result?

Learn more about John Deere’s role in ADAPT in Chuck’s interview with Donahue: Interview with Chip Donahue, John Deere

Photos from this year’s conference can be found here: Develop with Deere Photo Album

Audio, John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Technology